by Kerry Herbert | Jan 22, 2018 | Cake Inspiration, General, Wedding Cake, Wedding Cake Trends
Do I Have to Follow a Trend? At the start of every year there’s always the usual predictions for the years next big trends. It occurs in every industry, from shoes and handbags to mobile phones, and wedding cakes are no exception. From nature to fashion and modern...
by Kerry Herbert | Oct 25, 2017 | Cake Designer, Cake Inspiration, General
It’s that time of year again and half term is nearly upon us. As a mum, I know how tricky it can be keeping children busy during the school holidays. What with clubs and camps, play dates and outings – it can be a whirlwind of activities, but I...
by Kerry Herbert | Sep 20, 2017 | Cake Designer, Cake Inspiration, General, Wedding Cake
This week is National Cupcake Week so it was easy to choose the subject of our blog for this week – cupcakes obviously! I’ll be covering everything from the appeal of the cupcake, to a recipe and common problems and how to resolve them. Cupcakes...
by Kerry Herbert | Aug 2, 2017 | General
Weddings are full of traditions. Whatever the family background or the cultural influences in the wedding, I can bet that the one thing they all have in common is that there will be at least one tradition present on the big day. There are tea-drinking...